As_one_fast_porcupine_once_said: "Found_you! Faker!"
As_one_fast_porcupine_once_said: "Found_you! Faker!"
"FAKER?!" He replied with shock and offense.
I'm_exited_for_that_comic! Don't_worry_if_it_takes_long, I'm_also_making_something_and_I_haven't_even_finished_a_lick_of_it!
Ah Wicked! Man starting really do be the hardest part.
Secundus_sounds_like_the_name_of_a_funny_looking_cat. 5_bucks_say_that_she_hates_her_parents.
You got some good eyes, my friend. She hates what her parents do for a living.
Alright, that's a good one.
damm_they_datin? Guess_people_with_fucked_up_theeth_love_each_other. lmao.
lmao she looks off and is like " I like him, he got fucked teeth just like me. We'll have dates blowing up dentistries!"
Merry_Chrismas_day_for_ya_too! Enjoy_some_eggnog!
THAT'S A GOOD IDEA! Merry Christmas!
For_a_first_design_it_still_looks_great! Damm_this_design_was_from_2019? 2_years_ago.
I know right! Took me 2 years to finally use jade for animations.
Running_out_of_complements_to_give_you_about_your_art. That's_how_good_you_are!
Ay that works for me! Hehehe! Thank you bro!
Pretty_nice_shading! It_looks_like_something_the_creators_of_"Avatar_the_last_air_bender" (The_good_show_not_the_movie) Would_make!
Bro, I'm honored!
Joined on 3/6/21